Thoughts & Blogs

Education Is About Imagination

The failure of public education to inspire students more fully has everything to do with our failure to mature our imaginations! We’ve yet to grasp the beauty of our children,...

Education Is About Imagination

The failure of public education to inspire students more fully has everything to do with our failure to mature our imaginations! We’ve yet to grasp the beauty of our children,...

Poems - God Bless You, The Cobbler Said (1071 w...

The cobbler's voice rings out above the hum of equipment in his little shop -- God Bless You! God Bless You! God Bless You All! As his blessings fill our...

Poems - God Bless You, The Cobbler Said (1071 w...

The cobbler's voice rings out above the hum of equipment in his little shop -- God Bless You! God Bless You! God Bless You All! As his blessings fill our...

What's Needed in Education's Future? (397 words)

Students are starving for learning that meet their needs--that inspire curiosity, belonging, play, choice, relevant problem solving, and expression. The lack of learner sensitive curriculum causes student boredom and burnout....

What's Needed in Education's Future? (397 words)

Students are starving for learning that meet their needs--that inspire curiosity, belonging, play, choice, relevant problem solving, and expression. The lack of learner sensitive curriculum causes student boredom and burnout....

Creating Education's Future (727 Words)

Education’s 21st century opportunity is to link local <=> community resources and social-learning sciences to digital systems to better educate character and skills to achieve healthier individuals, institutions, ecologies and...

Creating Education's Future (727 Words)

Education’s 21st century opportunity is to link local <=> community resources and social-learning sciences to digital systems to better educate character and skills to achieve healthier individuals, institutions, ecologies and...

Poems - Goodnight (881 Words)

Once when there was nothing—nothing,        nothing,                 nothing at all—no sky,no sun, no moon or stars, no rain, snow, or...

Poems - Goodnight (881 Words)

Once when there was nothing—nothing,        nothing,                 nothing at all—no sky,no sun, no moon or stars, no rain, snow, or...

A Very Short Poem

in the school of joy and painnothing, nothing has a namethere is only light and darkness

A Very Short Poem

in the school of joy and painnothing, nothing has a namethere is only light and darkness